This program is designed for those who already hold certification in art, early childhood, elementary, middle grades, secondary education, music or physical education. Learn evidence-based instructional practices and their implementation in the classroom; improve the impact of sociocultural factors on the education of children with disabilities; explore preventive approaches that de-emphasize labels and traditional diagnostic categories to support improved teaching and learning; and implement inclusive practices in both schools and society. This program offers three concentrations: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Mild Disabilities and Severe Disabilities.

Who Might Be Interested?
The Special Education MEd program is designed for both students seeking their initial PA teaching certification and students with teaching certificates wishing to pursue additional certification and a master’s in special education.
Delivery Method
The Special Education MEd program is available fully online with onsite fieldwork at various points throughout the program. For more information about the online program option, visit the Special Education MEd program page on
In-person classes are available at Temple University’s Main Campus in Philadelphia.
More Information
For a complete program overview and admission information, visit the Special Education MEd Program
Enrollment Management
Ritter Annex 150
1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: 215-204-8011