

The College of Education and Human Development has partnered with the Harrisburg School District to create a teacher pathway program and offer courses within the College of Education/Human Development to high school students within the school district.


EDAD 0855. Why care about College: Higher Education in American Life. 3 Credit Hours.

You have decided to go to college. But why? What role will college and in particular Temple University play in your life? Reflect on this important question by looking at the relationship between higher education and American society. What do colleges and universities contribute to our lives? They are, of course, places for teaching and learning. They are also research centers, sports and entertainment venues, sources of community pride and profit, major employers, settings for coming-of-age rituals (parties, wild times, courtship, etc.), and institutions that create lifetime identities and loyalties. Learn how higher education is shaped by the larger society and how, in turn, it has shaped that society. Become better prepared for the world in which you have chosen to live for the next few years. 

ECED 2101. Child Development, Birth to Nine. 3 Credit Hours.

This class introduces students to trends and variations in children's physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development from the birth through the start of adolescence (around 4th grade). Specifically we will discuss how children's development proceeds in terms of physical changes to the body (and the brain), thinking skills, and social competence. We will also examine developmental differences across individual children (including those with exceptional characteristics and/or special needs) and, more broadly, across cultures within and beyond the US. Six hours of field experience required for this course.