Your college journey can begin before you leave high school! Rising high school juniors and seniors may apply now for the fall 2023 semester to Temple University’s Science and Mathematics Scholars Program.
About the Program
The Science and Mathematics Scholars Program is a unique collaboration between two colleges within Temple University – the College of Science and Technology and University College – where local high school students (also known as pre-college students) can come together to study at the Ambler Campus.
Students will complete 12 credits of college coursework in mathematics and science as part of the program. Once the 12 credits are successfully completed, students will earn a Certificate in Specialized Studies in Science and Mathematics, and may continue taking higher level university science and mathematics courses if they choose. A mentor/academic coach will be assigned to each cohort to help ensure student success and enable student access to support services.
Classes prepare students for future careers in a variety of fields such as health sciences, legal professions, science education, science-related business and technology, and research, and also prepares students for graduate school.
Program Highlights
Special high school tuition rate of $325 per credit.
Opportunity to earn 12 college credits and a Certificate in Specialized Studies in Science and Mathematics.
Courses are taught by esteemed College of Science and Technology faculty.
A chance to become acclimated to life on a college campus while in a small cohort of approximately 15 to 20 students.
Lectures and hands-on labs will be offered in the late afternoons and evenings to accommodate high school schedules.
Courses will be offered in both the fall and spring semesters.
Students will be placed in cohorts with small class sizes, and will have faculty and peer mentors to facilitate student success.
Credits/grades will appear on a Temple University transcript and may count towards a Temple degree. Courses may also transfer into another college or university, depending on transfer credit evaluation for that institution.
Coursework May Include
Elements of Data Science for the Physical and Life Sciences
STEM Challenge
Intermediate or College Algebra, or Precalculus
General Chemistry
Applications of Chemistry
Classes follow our fall semester schedule.
Applications for this high school certificate program should be submitted no later than July 1, 2023 for the fall 2023 semester for consideration. The application process consists of submitting the following:
Completed application with parent/guardian permissions.
High school transcript.
GPA of 3.0 or better.
Algebra 1 Keystone test scores.
Two brief essay questions.
Letter of reference from a high school guidance counselor or math/science teacher.
Applications will be reviewed once all materials are received. Students will be notified via email. Once accepted into the program, students will be required to take a math placement test, administered by Temple University, to determine appropriate courses to take. An academic advisor will then assist with registering for courses.
Learn More
For more information, please contact:
Academic and Student Services
Temple University Ambler Campus
To learn more about Temple’s Ambler Campus, please visit here.
Interested in learning about other pre-college opportunities at Temple University? Please visit here.