Temple Flag in front of Philadelphia City hall

Real Estate Institute

Welcome to Temple University’s Real Estate Institute (REI), located in the heart of Center City Philadelphia. REI's faculty members are experts in the real estate industry, and they are eager to share their extensive professional knowledge. Not only do they understand current trends and what’s happening in the marketplace, they are skilled instructors who know how to convey information and generate lively discussion.

With more than 30 years of real estate experience, the Real Estate Institute at Temple University is a proven resource that is continually creating new initiatives to meet your educational needs.

Online courses will be held as either self-paced online courses, or as virtual instructor-led online courses using Zoom.


Registration is now open for our Salesperson and Broker Courses (In-Person & Online)!


To view our Spring 2023 Online Digital Catalog, click the image below. 

Steps to obtain your Real Estate Salesperson License.

Questions? Book a call with us.

Want to book a call with us to get all of your Real Estate Institute questions answered? Schedule a call with us through Microsoft Bookings.

Need to request a transcript? Contact the Real Estate Institute at 215-204-1539 or realestateinstitute@temple.edu.